If you've got a little more budget already you'll find cars that offer you perhaps
the best value for your money. In this category you'll find
the ARRMA Granite, Big Rock, Vorteks, Senton and Typhon 4x4 BLX cars with LiPo packages and brushless electronics,
the Absima 4S Assassin, Torch and Stoke cars as well as
the Team Associated 2WD and 4WD Pro2 SC10, Trophy Rat, Rival MT10 and Pro4 SC10 cars. These are high quality cars that can usually hit around 80km/h with 3S batteries. These are waterproof, brushless, durable cars with great performance.
If you're interested in going off-road and crawling rather than hitting those top speeds
the Absima's Sherpa and Khamba as well as
the different versions of the Element RC Enduro offer you great off-roading capabilities. Read more about these later on in this article.
If you want a 1/10th scale 4WD car the ARRMAs are a great option that you can't go wrong with, if you're looking for a bigger car the 1/8th scale cars by Absima give you unbeatable performance for the money. The 1/10th scale 4WDs by team Associated are a bit cheaper than the ARRMAs and come with lights and shroud covers right out of the box so you'll get plenty of features for the money with them as well. If you're looking for a 2WD Team Associated has you covered in that department too. A 4WD will have less trouble in rough terrain but the 2WDs by team associated have exceptional handling capabilities if you were to put them on a racetrack. They also come equipped with a vehicle stabilization system that'll help you gain traction so don't be too afraid of the 2WD system.
The 4x4 cars by ARRMA are an easy option for anyone who wants a good and reliable car. We've sold thousands of them and know just how much fun these cars are and can recommend them to any hobbyist starting out. Here's a whole article dedicated to them:
The ARRMA 4x4 series, Granite, Big Rock, Typhon, Senton and Vorteks for hard bashing!
If you are interested in RC Cars and would like to find reliable quality cars with great performance, keep reading!
ARRMA 4x4 series fills these criteria perfectly and is the absolute best way to start out with RC cars for most new hobbyists. ARRMA 4x4 series is the most popular...
The 1/8th scale cars by Absima are here now and they're challenging the ARRMA 4x4s
These are bigger, the drivetrain is almost completely metal as is the chassis, the handling is very balanced our tests have proven these cars really good. You can start off with a single 2S battery so you'll get manageable power out of the car but still enough to have plenty of fun. You can then move on to a 3S battery or get a second 2S battery and run two 2S batteries simultaneously to get full power out of the car with a 4S setup.
The Team Associated Pro4 SC10 and Rival MT10 are a little cheaper than the rest of the field and they'll give you plenty of performance for a cheap price. The included lights make driving them in the dark a ot nicer and the shroud cover included in the box makes cleaning that much easier. They handle a lot like RC monster trucks and are great options for an upcoming hobbyist.
If the off-road racetracks are calling for you you'll find great options for starting out in this price category. You can race the ARRMA Senton 4x4 in the SC4-10 class. The Team Associated Pro2 SC10 is the best option for getting to know the track if you don't want to spend too much money right off the bat. The Pro2 SC10 is based on an actual RC racecar so the handling is definitely there and the included electronics will do just fine on the racetrack. You can race the Pro2 SC10 in the SC2-10 class. We've tried our luck in a race with the previous version of the car and finished 4th against a field full of purebred racecars.
Here you'll find the cars mentioned above. Notice that these specific packages don't come with batteries and chargers. You'll find the LiPo-packages on the product pages if you scroll down a little.

Products»Ready To Run Electric Cars (RTR)»
Team Associated Pro2 SC10 RTR
☆☆☆☆☆ (12)
Products»Ready To Run Electric Cars (RTR)»
ARRMA RC GRANITE 223S 4X4 RTR 1/10 Brushless Monster Truck
☆☆☆☆☆ (25)
Available in stock

Products»Ready To Run Electric Cars (RTR)»
ARRMA RC SENTON 4X4 223S BLX Brushless 1/10th 4wd SC
☆☆☆☆☆ (29)
Available in stock

Products»Ready To Run Electric Cars (RTR)»
ARRMA RC BIG ROCK 223S DSC 4X4 RTR Brushless Monster Truck
☆☆☆☆☆ (26)
Available in stock

Products»Ready To Run Electric Cars (RTR)»
Team Associated Pro4 SC10 RTR 20530
☆☆☆☆☆ (4)

Products»Ready To Run Electric Cars (RTR)»
Team Associated RIVAL MT10 RTR
☆☆☆☆☆ (6)

Products»Ready To Run Electric Cars (RTR)»
ARRMA RC Vorteks 4X4 223S Blx Brushless 1/10Th 4Wd Stadium Truck
☆☆☆☆☆ (8)
If tackling rough terrain in the woods, cliffs or a safari is your thing you'll find plenty of capable crawlers in this price range
Different versions of the Element Enduro are good basic crawlers with all the necessary off-roading capabilities. The cars by Element are of high quality and perfect for climbing through the toughest of terrains. If driving safari is your thing the Absima's Sherpa and Khamba give you all the features you'll need. A 2-speed transmission, differentials you can lock, impressive light kits and much more. Popping the body is easy thanks to the magnets it uses, and when you need it to stay on there's also a thumb screw that you can use to ensure it stays on as it should.

Products»Ready To Run Electric Cars (RTR)»
Absima SHERPA CR3.4 1/10 Crawler RTR
☆☆☆☆☆ (9)
Team Associated RIVAL MT10 Off Road Monster Truck

Introducing the ARRMA 4x4 3S BLX

Introducing the ARRMA VORTEKS 4x4 3S BLX Stadium Truck [ARA4305V3]

Element RC Enduro Sendero HD RTR

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