
New opening hours in our Vantaa store (weekdays 11.00-18.00 from 2.9)

We are updating our opening hours from 2.9.2024 In the future the Vantaa store is open on weekdays from 11.00-18.00. Saturdays we are open from 10.00-16.00. Opening hours from 2.9 forward Mon-Fri 11.00-18.00 Sat 10.00-16.00 Our phone is open from 11.00-17.00 on weekdays. With...

Midsummer opening times (Friday-Sunday closed)

Midsummer is here, are your RC stuff ready?  Due to midsummer, here are our opening times this week. Thursday 22.6 Normal 11-19 Friday 23.6 Closed Satruday 24.6 Closed Sunday 25.6 Closed Monday 26.6 Normal 11-19 Happy midsummer!

Merry Christmas! Christmas opening hours

We wish you a Merry Christmas from everyone at Hobbyfactory! We will now also celebrate Christmas, our opening hours are as follows: 24-26.12 closed 27-31.12 open normally Our webshop is open all year round, you can check our best Christmas specials here...

Find the best RC car for you in the 50-150€ price category

The cheapest price category is suitable for you who aren't exactly sure just how fun driving feels but this category has some good options too. The cars in this price category are surely better than the cars you'd find at your local everyday store but they might not meet all the...

Find yourself the best RC-car in the 350€-550€ price category

If you've got a little more budget already you'll find cars that offer you perhaps the best value for your money. In this category you'll find the ARRMA Granite, Big Rock, Vorteks, Senton and Typhon 4x4 BLX cars with LiPo packages and brushless electronics, the Absima 4S Assassin...
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