Team Associated B6.1 manual: B6.1 Manual
Team Associated B6.1D manual: B6.1D Manual
Together with the release of the B6.1 Team Associated released the new more progressive V2 springs popular for high grip applications. You'll recognize the new springs from the first 3 numbers of the product code. The new ones begin with 918 and the V1's with 913. Here is a chart comparing the V2's to the V1's:
Here you'll find some setup sheets for the B6-generation of cars. If you want your own setup sheet to be displayed here, submit it via email so we can add it here.
Team Associated B6/B6D blank setup sheet
Team Associated B6 Setup Winter Jumps Hupicon
B6 Setup sheet Hupicon
Team Associated B6 Setup Winter Jumps Turku
Team Associated B6 Setup Winter Jumps 2018 Turku
Team Associated B6.1/D astroturf setup
Markku Honkanen +40 MM astroturf setup
Hakkila Mezzo setup B6.2/D - Niilo Laurila
Mezzo Hakkila
Below you'll find the option parts and oils mentioned in the setup sheets
Adjusting the slipper clutch: