NOTICE: Owners of the LiPo-packages, always make sure that you have the right settings on your charger and that both the charing cable and the balance plug are connected to the battery as they should be. With the Absima Cube charger you must check that you have the LiPo-setting active when charging LiPo batteries, and make sure the amps are set to the 3.0A setting if you're charging the battery that comes with our LiPo-packages. If you're using the S150 charger make sure the indicator lights are onat the LiPo setting and the 3.0A setting. Always charge LiPo-batteries in LiPo-bags or other non-flammable containers.
Absima 1/10th scale cars are highly popular and a great way to get into the RC hobby. There are several versions of the same chassis out there with different bodystyles and such. There's the monster truck AMT3.4, the buggy AB3.4, the truggy AT3.4, the touring car ATC3.4 and additionally the new ADB1.4. They all share the same chassis but have their small differences that make each of them unique. All of the models are available in both brushed and brushless configurations.
Absima 1/10th scale spares can be found here:
Товары»Запасные части и принадлежности»Absima Запасные части and tuning parts»
1/10 3.4 AMT, AB, ATC, AT, AD, ADT
If you're driving in the snow, mud, a rocky or moist terrain we recommend the dusty motors shroud cover. It blocks out most of the water, dirt and dust from getting into the chassis while still allowing airflow through it so the car doesn't overheat. The cover that fits this chassis the best is the Universal S+

Товары»Bodies, wings and stickers»Защитные капюшоны»
Dusty Motors Säädettävä Pölysuoja - Universal
☆☆☆☆☆ (70)
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Driving in the winter
Absima's motor, ESC and servo are all waterproof. The receiver isn't waterproof so if you're hitting puddles and such the receiver may stop working. The shroud cover that was mentioned before will help the receiver stay in tact a little better but if you really want a waterproof car you should look into the ValueRC receive box or make a waterproof cover of your own for the receiver out of a balloon or a minigrip bag. There's also always the option of opting for a waterproof version of the receiver or just going with acompletely ifferent radiosystem that comes with a waterpfoor receiver and perhaps an adjustable throttle limiter:

Товары»Электроника»Radio and receivers»Приемники»
Absima 3-Channel Receiver "R3WP" 2.4 GHz

Товары»Электроника»Radio and receivers»Радио»
Sanwa MX-6 3-Channel 2.4GHz FH-E Radio RX-391W Roiskesuojatulla Vastaanottimella
☆☆☆☆☆ (10)

Товары»Запасные части и принадлежности»Absima Запасные части and tuning parts»1/10 3.4 AMT, AB, ATC, AT, AD, ADT»
ValueRC Vastaanottimen laatikko VAEL06010
☆☆☆☆☆ (1)
Here's our winter service video:
RC-Auton talviajo ja huolto

Te brushed basic models come with bushings instead of bearings. Upgrading them to ball bearings improves the drivability and performance of the car. If you wish to do this upgrade to your car the parts you'll need are four 5x10x4mm bearings and four 10x15x4mm bearings.

Товары»Запасные части и принадлежности»Подшипники»
1,95 €
(оптовая цена от 1,39 €)
☆☆☆☆☆ (12)
В наличии на складе

Товары»Запасные части и принадлежности»Подшипники»
Ultimate Racing 10X15X4MM "HS" RUBBER SEALED BEARING (1PC)
1,95 €
(оптовая цена от 1,39 €)
☆☆☆☆☆ (16)
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The basic models come with brushed electronics with a Tamiya plug. the brushless versions come with a deans plug. The cars can fit so called standard size batteries so most of the basic 2S LiPos and 7.2V NiM-batteries will fit right in.
A LiPo-battery has more power, is lighter and if taken proper care of will have a longer lifespan than a NiMh-battery. A LiPo battery does however require a LiPo-charger and choosing the LiPo-setting from the receiver. The runtime is defined by the capacity of the battery (for an example: 3000mAh)
If you want an additional battery you'll find them behind the links below.
NiMh-battery for the brushed version:
7.2v NiMh-battery, Tamiya plug
LiPo-battery for the brushed version:
LiPo-battery, Tamiya plug
LiPo-Battery for the brushless version (or a brushed version that has been converted into a brushless version ad has a deans plug):
LiPo battey, deans plug
The brushed cars can be upgraded into brushless cars, the brushless electronics have more power and tend to have a significantly longer lifespan, often outliving the chassis they were originally mounted to. If you wish to upgrade your brushed car into a brushless car here are out top picks for combos:

Товары»Электроника»Electronic Speed Controllers (ESC)»ESC + motor combo»
Robitronic Razer ten G2 Brushless Combo 50A 3652 3000kV
☆☆☆☆☆ (22)

Товары»Электроника»Electronic Speed Controllers (ESC)»ESC + motor combo»
Robitronic Razer ten G2 Brushless Combo 60A 3652 3250kV
☆☆☆☆☆ (23)
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The combos above all come with deans plugs. If your battery has a Tamiya plug on it we recommend you get this adapter:

Товары»Электроника»Кабели, адаптеры и Соединители»Адаптеры»
ValueRC T-Plug female Tamiya male Connector
2,90 €
(оптовая цена от 1,74 €)
☆☆☆☆☆ (2)
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With this adapter you can use the battery you already have but in the future we recommend you get batteries with a deans plug since it's a lot better connetor. If you have the Absima Cube charger you should already have a deans charging cable. Regardless of whichever charger you may have make sure you've got a deans charging cable if getting batteries with deans plugs.
If you want to reinforce the drivetrain of the car you can upgrade the pinion and spur gears. By changing out the stock brass pinion gear you significantly improve the durability of your car's drivetrain. The Absima cars use 0.6mod gears. Down below you'll find the metallic spur gear and pinions.
Товары»Запасные части и принадлежности»Pinions and gears»
Pinionit 0.6 mod

Товары»Запасные части и принадлежности»Absima Запасные части and tuning parts»1/10 3.4 AMT, AB, ATC, AT, AD, ADT»
Absima Main gear metal 64T ATC 2.4 RTR/BL
☆☆☆☆☆ (1)
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*more info coming*
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