
Easters opening times (Fri closed - Sat Open - Sun-mon closed)

Easter holiday opening times Vantaa store: Fri 15.4 - Closed Sat 16.4 - Open 10-16 Sun 17.4 - Closed Mon 18.4 - Closed Tue 19.4 - Normally open 11-19 Vaasa store: Fri 15.4 - Closed Sat 16.4 - Open 11-15 Sun 17.4 - Closed Mon 18.4 - Closed Tue 19.4 - Normally  Happy easter!

Join the world of RC racing!

RC-racing is extremely versatile. There are classes on classes available, and starting out is definitely not going to depend on finding a suitable class. You're going to have more of a problem finding your personal favorite class out of all the great options. While picking out...

Maximize the fun of driving your RC-car! (the best tips for getting started)

Have you received or given an RC-car? We recommend you read through these tips to make the most out of it. We recommend you get to know your batteries and charger. If you have a NiMh-battery, the charging time will usually be anywhere from 3-5 hours while a LiPo can usually be c...

Picking the most suitable racing 2S shorty

When starting out a new racing class you always run into the same old question; which battery should I go for? For us who drive 1/10th scale off-road classes the task of picking a battery has been made a little easier over the last few years since we really only have to worry abo...

Enjoy RC - Remember to have fun with RC

Do you have an hobby you enjoy? Having a hobby is a way to get you some free time, charge your own batteries and enjoy what makes you happy. If you find an hobby that you enjoy it will bring deepnes and color to your everyday. RC-car driving, or spending time with any kind of RC...
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