O.S. Engines

New products by Max M., 1.7.2021

O.S. Engines are now one of our distributed brands

We now offer O.S. Speed top end models for both On-Road and Off-Road vehicles as well as more budget friendly models for hobbyists. O.S. Engines is one of the oldest and most prestigious brands and they are known for the reliability and power of their engines. O.S. Engines is a Japanese company and they offer the very top quality of any brand out there.

O.S. Speed Engines for 1/8th Off-Road

The Finnish 1/8th Off-Road season has already started and the results from the first race already speak for the dominance of O.S. Speed engines. Lockdown of the top 5 and overwhelming majority representation in the top 10. The most popular of the top end engines is the B2103. The engine comes in two different models (Type R and Type S) and the difference between the two models are porting on the cylinder liner, the carburettor and the cooling head.

B2103 Type R

The more popular one of the B2103 models is the Type R. This engine has a high cooling head, 5 | 3 port cylinder liner and the 22E carburettor. Due to its larger amount of ports it has slightly more power on mid range and high end. The 22E carburettor is based on the O.S. Speed 21J carburettor that has been proven as the best option for years. This carburettor is very easy to tune and produces a very linear power curve. The high cooling head produces good cooling and the engine keeps very stable temperature even on hotter days. The Type R is our teams number one choice for Finnish Off-Road tracks.

O.S.Engines B2103 TYPE R
Tooted‪»Nitro engines and accessories‪»Nitro engines‪»
O.S.Engines B2103 TYPE R
Eripakkumine 379,00 €

B2103 Type S

The Type S represents a more modern direction of 1/8th Off-Road engines. This engine has a low cooling head, 3 | 1 port cylinder liner and the 22D carburettor. Due to the low amount of ports the Type S produces more torque on bottom end and has better fuel mileage. The 22D carburettor is a new O.S. Speed carburettor which is made to get better fuel mileage and a smoother throttle feel. The low cooling head gives a lower center of gravity to the car and helps the handling on more higher grip tracks. The Type S is best suited for higher grip tracks that require good bottom end torque and fuel mileage. 

O.S.Engines B2103 TYPE S
Tooted‪»Nitro engines and accessories‪»Nitro engines‪»
O.S.Engines B2103 TYPE S
Eripakkumine 379,00 €

Both engines can be bought as a combo with the TB03 (T-2100SC) exhaust pipe:
O.S.Engines B2103 TYPE R / T-2100SC COMBO SET
Tooted‪»Nitro engines and accessories‪»Nitro engines‪»
O.S.Engines B2103 TYPE R / T-2100SC COMBO SET
Eripakkumine 435,00 €
O.S.Engines B2103 TYPE S / T-2100SC COMBO SET
Tooted‪»Nitro engines and accessories‪»Nitro engines‪»
O.S.Engines B2103 TYPE S / T-2100SC COMBO SET
540,10 €

O.S. Max Engines

The more budget friendly options of the O.S. Engines catalog are the Max series engines. Both of our models 21XR-B and 21XZ-B are a great option for 1/8th Off-Road and the 21XR-B is also great for the 1/8th GT class. Both engines are based on the O.S. Speed top models but don't include the DLC coating on the crankshaft and the carburettor is a more simple design. For a hobbyist both of these engines are a great option and why not for a racer on a tighter budget.

O.S.Engines MAX-21XR-B VER. III
Tooted‪»Nitro engines and accessories‪»Nitro engines‪»
O.S.Engines MAX-21XR-B VER. III
239,00 €
O.S.Engines MAX-21XZ-B VER. II
Tooted‪»Nitro engines and accessories‪»Nitro engines‪»
O.S.Engines MAX-21XZ-B VER. II
299,94 €

O.S. Speed Engine for 1/8th On-Road

O.S. Speed R2104 is designed for 1/8th On-Road. This 9 port engine produces a lot of power while keeping the power curve very linear. Optimised new cooling head produces enough cooling to keep the engine temperature stable.

O.S.Engines R2104
Tooted‪»Nitro engines and accessories‪»Nitro engines‪»
O.S.Engines R2104
Eripakkumine 399,00 €

O.S. Speed Engine for 1/10th On-Road

O.S. Speed T1204 is designed for 1/10th On-Road. This engine is a revised version of the T2103 that won the 2018 world championship. It has more torque in the bottom end and mid range and an improved cooling head that produces enough cooling to keep the engine temperature stable.

O.S.Engines T1204
Tooted‪»Nitro engines and accessories‪»Nitro engines‪»
O.S.Engines T1204
Eripakkumine 379,00 €

O.S. Speed Exhaust Pipes for 1/8th Off-Road

The O.S. Speed catalog includes 3 different types of exhaust pipes with different length manifolds from 70mm to 90mm. The most popular option is the TB02 with a 75mm manifold. All exhaust pipes have their strengths and are suited for different circumstances and driving styles.

TB01 EFRA 2042 (T-2060SC WN)

This pipe is the oldest of the O.S. Speed models and for that reason a trustworthy choice. Soft torque on the bottom end provides good driveability and a neutral power range. This pipe is usually used with a 75mm manifold.

O.S.Engines TB01 (T-2060SC WN) Tuned Pipe and Manifold
Tooted‪»Nitro engines and accessories‪»Väljalasketorud‪»
O.S.Engines TB01 (T-2060SC WN) Tuned Pipe and Manifold
200,21 €

TB02 EFRA 2089 (T-2090SC)

This pipe is the most popular of the O.S. Speed models. This pipe has more torque and more power overall than the other O.S. Speed models while still keeping the power range very neutral which makes it a very versatile choice for all conditions. 

O.S.Engines TB02 (T-2090SC) Tuned Pipe and Manifold
Tooted‪»Nitro engines and accessories‪»Väljalasketorud‪»
O.S.Engines TB02 (T-2090SC) Tuned Pipe and Manifold
200,21 €

RA 2155 (T-2100SC)

This pipe is the newest of the O.S. Speed models. This pipe provides very stable tune for the engine which makes the engine a bit easier to tune with this model compared to the other models. Its driveability is very similar to the TB02 but has slightly worse fuel mileage.

O.S.Engines TB03 (T-2100SC) Tuned Pipe and Manifold
Tooted‪»Nitro engines and accessories‪»Väljalasketorud‪»
O.S.Engines TB03 (T-2100SC) Tuned Pipe and Manifold
200,21 €

O.S. Speed Exhaust Pipes for On-Road classes

TR01 EFRA 2098 (T-2080SC)

O.S. Speed exhaust pipe for 1/8th On-Road. This pipe is a great choice and offers the best functionality with O.S. Speed engines.

O.S.Engines TUNED SILENCER COMP.TR01 EFRA2098(T2080) 72106852
Tooted‪»Nitro engines and accessories‪»Engine spare parts‪»
O.S.Engines TUNED SILENCER COMP.TR01 EFRA2098(T2080) 72106852
207,60 €

TR02 EFRA 2165

O.S. Speed exhaust pipe for 1/8th On-Road. This pipe is a great choice and offers the best functionality with O.S. Speed engines.

Tooted‪»Nitro engines and accessories‪»Engine spare parts‪»
207,60 €

TT01 EFRA 2672 (T-1070SC)

O.S. Speed exhaust pipe for 1/10th On-Road. This pipe is a great choice and offers the best functionality with O.S. Speed engines.

O.S.Engines TUNED SILENCER COMP.TT01 EFRA2672(T1070) 72107600
Tooted‪»Nitro engines and accessories‪»Engine spare parts‪»
O.S.Engines TUNED SILENCER COMP.TT01 EFRA2672(T1070) 72107600
170,14 €

TT02 EFRA 2690 (T-1080SC)

O.S. Speed exhaust pipe for 1/10th On-Road. This pipe is a great choice and offers the best functionality with O.S. Speed engines.

O.S.Engines SILENCER COMPLETE TT02II EFRA2690 72106980
Tooted‪»Nitro engines and accessories‪»Engine spare parts‪»
O.S.Engines SILENCER COMPLETE TT02II EFRA2690 72106980
110,78 €

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