kaupluse info

Our main store and warehouse is located in Vantaa, Finland, at the Fullspeed RC Indoor center, one of the biggest indoor RC-Center in Europe. In the store you can find all the products we have in the webstore at display. We also have a smaller store in Vaasa.

Check out our introduction of the store and the tracks next to us:

Hobbyfactory RC-store and Fullspeed RC-Center | Biggest rc-center in the Nordics

Since our store is located right next to the track all the products we sell are tested and made sure that they are of the best quality.

The website to the Fullspeed RC-Center is: www.fullspeedrc.fi

Hobbyfactory Oy
Vanha Porvoontie 231 B-talo C1-rappu 3krs
01380 Vantaa
Lahtiolekuajad ma-pe klo 11-18, La klo 10-16