Orionin verkkovirralla toimiva huippulaturi!
Kaksi sisäärakennettua laturia yhdessä!
Värinäytöllinen kosketusnäyttö
Latausteho: 2× 100w
Maksimi latausvirta: 10 A
Näyttää akun sisäisen vastuksen
Sisääntulojännite: 110-240V tai 11-18V
Our range of Advantage Touch chargers has been successful all around the world. The Duo Touch version with dual charge outputs instantly became a bestseller, it has everything that the serious RC hobbyist needs. For 2016 we have updated the Touch Duo by adding a LiPo HV charge mode. LiPo HV batteries, like our LiPo V-Max batteries, require a charge end voltage of 4.35V/cell (vs 4.2V/cell for regular LiPo). The 200W integrated power supply allows charge currents of up to 10A and fast charging of any type of battery. You can simultaneously charge, discharge, store, cycle or balance any combination of LiPo/LiPo HV/LiFe/NiMH/NiCd/Pb batteries. The interface is equipped with a top navigation bar that allows you to easily switch between the two channels and a split view allows you to display simultaneously the data from both channels. As it’s the case with the other Advantage Touch chargers, the duo also features advanced setup possibilities, balancing, discharge and storage functions and a graphic engine to display charge and discharge curves. The charger is also equipped with a USB connector that allows the user to install future firmware upgrades.
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