Yleisarvosana | (2 arvostelua) |
Varrellinen 7mm mutteriavain.
Sopii esimerkiksi suurimpaan osaan 1/10 kokoluokan autojen renkaan muttereista.
This is the Ultimate Racing 7x100mm Nut Driver. It features an ultra-lightweight and ultra-durable machined aluminium handle with a non slip surface that will be comfortable to use during long wrenching sessions. The handle is supplied with the Ultimate logo engraved and a blank free space to engrave your name. A red anodized cap is fitted to the end to help the tool easily rotate in your hand and increase comfort during use. The tool type/size is engraved on the cap for easy identification. The hardened steel tips are precision designed to provide an exceptional fit with the fastener, long life, and unbelievable torque.
Yleisarvosana |
Varsi saisi olla kovempaa materiaalia. Nyt antaa myöden yrittäessä avata tiukimpia muttereita. Täytyy vähän varoa vääntämästä poikki tai kaarelle.