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ARRMA 1/8 TYPHON 4X4 V3 MEGA 550 Brushed Buggy RTR
ARRMA:n uudistettu huippusuosittu nelivetoinen 1/8 Buggy kovaan harrastamiseen. Harjallisilla sähköillä varustettu 4x4 Typhon on luotettava, nopea ja hyvällä suorituskyvyllä oleva Buggy joka tarjoaa huolettomia harrastushetkiä. Tämä Buggy on nostanut nelivetoisten 1/8 Buggy tasoa ja tähän hintaan et saa mistään yhtä laadukasta neliveto Buggy. Auton sähköt ovat suojattu vedeltä joten voit harrastaa huolettomasti niin talvella kun vesilätäköissä. Jos haluat aloittaa RC-harrastuksesi niin tässä on sinulle luultavasti paras ensiauto.
Agressiivinen ulkonäkö ja erittäin hyvät renkaat takaavat näyttävää menoa. Tämä on kunnon RC auto joka antaa jännitystä niin nuoremalle kuin vanhemmalle kuskille. Jos olet aloittelemassa RC-auto harrastusta ARRMA 4x4 sarja on paras mahdollinen lähtökohta. Vihreä kori tarjoaa oikean fiiliksen ajamiseen, hyvä renkaat tarpeeksi pitoa ja uudistetut sähköt hyvät ajo-ominaisuudet!
Auton huolettavuuteen on panostettu ja huoltaminen on todella helppoa ja hauskaa. Voimansiirron eri osat irtoavat parilla ruuvilla ja huolettavuus on helpompaa kun ikinä aikaisemmin. Vaikka RC-autot olisivat sinulle uusia ARRMAn 4x4 sarja on niin helppo huoltaa että siihen pystyy myös aloitteleva mekaanikko. ARRMA on lisäksi tehnyt kattavasti videoita siitä miten autoa huolletaan. Täältä löytyy lisätietoja auton huollosta: ARRMA 4x4 info
Autossa tulee mukana toimintavarmat sähköt joilla pääsee loistavasti harrastukseen mukaan. Mukana tuleva uusi Spektrum SLT3 radio on yksi parhaista RTR radioista. Perusvarma, nopea, hyvällä kantamalla ja tarvittavilla säädöillä varustettu. Ohjaimesta löytyy tarvittavat säädöt ja ehkä parhaimpana ominaisuutena tehon säätö. Voit siis rajoittaa tehoa joka auttaa harrastuksen alkuvaiheessa. Rajoitetuilla tehoilla vauhti on niin maltillinen että tällä autolla voi ajaa myös perheen nuorimmat. Nopeutta saa portaattomasti rajoitettu vaikka kävelyvauhtiin ja portaaton säätö on tehty niin ettei lapset itse pääse säätämään sitä. Auton ohjausservo on Spektrumin S650 servo joka on vahvempi ja suorituskykyisempi kun edeltävä servo.
ARRMA Senton 4x4 Mega autossa tulee mukana NiMh akku ja laturi jolla pääsee hyvin harrastukseen mukaan ja kun haluat lisää ajoaikaa tai tehoa voit lisätä useamman akun tai päivitää LiPo akkuun ja älylaturiin. Auto tulee kestävillä EC3 liittimillä ja meidän kautta saa myös adapteri kaikkiin yleisiin akkuliittimiin joten voit käyttää mahdollisimman laajaa akkuvalikoimaa. Akussa on 3300 mAh kapasiteetti joka tyypillisesti riittää noin 15min ajoon. Jos olet rajoittanut tehoja, tai ajat paikassa missä kaasua ei käytetä koko ajan kestää akku helposti pidempään. Laturi lataa akun täyteen noin 4-5 tunnissa. Jos haluat laturin täyteen noin tunnissa voit laittaa tämän laturin: Spektrum S150 AC/DC Smart Charger 50W Lisäakku löytyy täältä: Dynamite 8.4V 3300mAh 7-Cell Speedpack2 Hump NiMH Battery: EC3 (DYNB2071EC)
Autosta löytyy myös LiPo versio:
Auton sähköinä toimii 12t 550 kokoinen harjallinen moottori ja ARRMA:n Mega nopeudensäädin. Nopeudensäädin on varmtoiminen, vedeltä suojattu ja helppokäyttöinen. Nopeudensäätimessä löytyy LiPo Cut-off jos haluat käyttää LiPo akkuja. Mootori on harjalliseksi moottoriksi tehokas ja toimiva ja jos haluat päivittää autosi suorituskyvyn aivan uudelle tasolle tämä harjaton combo on helppo päivitys: Robitronic Razer ten G2 Brushless Combo 60A 3652 4000kV
Uusi v3 versio on täynnä parannuksia ja auto on parantunut entisestään. Uusi parempi ohjain ja servo tekee ajamisesta mielekkäämpää, voimansiirto on vahvempi ja kestää harjattomat tehot ja auton kestävyyttä on parannettu esimerkiksi uudella rungolla. Puskuri on vahvempi ja laakerit kestävempiä kumisuojattuja.
Iso plussa autossa on että kaikki sähköt ovat standardi kokoisia, eli jos haluat enemmän tehoa voit asentaa normaalin Harjattoman combon, jos haluat paremman servon tai ohjaimen ne ovat helppoja vaihtaa tai jos haluat lisäakkuja kaikki normaalikokoiset akut käyvät.
Koko: 1/8
Huippunopeus: 30mph / 48km/h
Sähkötekniikka: Harjallinen
Pakettityyppi: Ajovalmis RTR
Osanumero: ARA102694I
Vetotapa: 4WD
Ajoneuvotyyppi: Buggy
Ajo-alusta: Off-road
PItuus: 511mm / 20.12"
Akseliväli: 328mm / 12.91"
Ajokorkeus: 42mm / 1.65"
Leveys: 306mm / 12.05"
Korkeus: 195mm / 7.68"
Akkukotelon koko: 165x51x48mm/6.50x2.01x1.89 inches
Tarvitset lisäksi: Ohjaimeen 4 AA-paristoa
Infoa autosta:
The ARRMA Typhon Mega offers great fun for the whole family! Whether you're an experienced driver or just getting into the hobby, the ARRMA Typhon will impress you! It offers great power paired with impressive handling. There are plenty of reasons why the ARRMA Typhon along with the other ARRMA 4x4 cars is among the most popular cars we sell. You just can't find another 4x4 platform this durable at this price point.
The ARRMA 4x4 vehicles offer exceptional performance at a reasonable cost. This performance paired with the level of part support ARRMA is known for having ensure that you simply can't go wrong with a model from the ARRMA 4x4 family. Parts availability is generally really good and we offer great customer service especially for these cars since we have so much experience with them.
In comparison to the other products in the ARRMA 4x4 family, the Typhon offers buggy tires, wing and bodystyle. Buggies are known for being the fastest cars around an off-road track which is why this backyard basher, although not a racecar, is also more than capable enough to be the vehicle you bring to your first ever RC track day!
It's not easy to make the decision as to which car you should buy but it's hard to regret the decision if you go with an ARRMA Typhon 4x4.
Making your move into 1/8 scale Speed Buggy action has never been easier. Fast, rugged and factory-built, the 2S LiPo-compatible ARRMA® TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA RTR comes ready out of the box to bash on any terrain. Precision aluminum, tough steel and composite materials come together for an easy-to-maintain, super-durable vehicle design whose high downforce wing and low center of gravity, with wide arms and narrow wheels and tires, improve handling over race tracks, trails, muddy courses, skate parks and more. This version features new equipment that further increases the original Speed Buggy’s already impressive performance and durability.
The TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA RTR is DESIGNED FAST, DESIGNED TOUGH — built for exciting bashing speeds and extreme, all-terrain durability. New features that enhance its unstoppable performance include a stronger chassis and retained hinge pin plates; steering with more clearance for stones; a castellated slipper pad and sliding gear mesh; and rubber-shielded bearings throughout.
The Speed Buggy now also includes the Spektrum™ SLT3™ transmitter and SLR300 receiver. The transmitter is ergonomically designed for long periods of fatigue-free bashing and has a foam wheel for precise fingertip control plus an improved hand grip and trigger feel. New bashers will be able to set throttle limits at 50% or 75% until they are ready to use the full speed potential. The SLT3™ is compatible with Tactic® SLT™ receivers to run other RTR vehicles you may own, and includes a third channel to control optional features such as lights and winches on models that have them.
It also has the ingenious modular design perfected by ARRMA® engineers for easy component access and maintenance. The power module, with improved dirt management, consists of a MEGA 550 motor for rock-jumping speed, plus motor plate, slipper clutch assembly and gear cover. The power module can be detached from the chassis as a complete unit by removing just one screw. With the power module removed, the slipper clutch can be reached easily for adjustments by taking out three screws that attach the gear cover. The gear ratio can be finely tuned as the power module now uses a sliding motor mesh design.
A two-piece molding screwed to the Speed Buggy’s chassis serves as its electronics module, containing a waterproof receiver box, servo mount and ESC tray. The SLR300 receiver mounts inside the receiver box for protection from dirt and moisture. The ultra-compact ESC is screwed to the top of the module, allowing quick access to the on/off switch, while the servo mounts to the side. All three components can be removed together, quickly and easily.
The differential module houses each differential unit in an innovative yoke design. Only eight screws need to be removed to release the front and rear yokes. The power module can then be detached, allowing you to pivot the gearbox cases for differential access. The TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA RTR comes brushless-ready with 37T 1.35mod diffs with silicone O-rings. The large gears can withstand huge torque, and internal metal gears have been chosen for reliability during extreme bashing.
Its full-time 4WD transmission uses strong front, rear, and centerline telescopic driveshafts that can’t be lost during heavy impacts, unlike dogbones. A simple, dependable, responsive steering assembly complements the ultra-reliable drive system and features a servo horn with built-in servo saver. The TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA RTR includes the waterproof Spektrum™ SPMS650 digital servo for 20% more torque than the previous version’s ADS-5 servo.
The self-bleeding, oil-filled shocks, now with silicone O-rings, use a tried and tested, coil-over design for simple maintenance and amazing handling. Their innovative rod-end has a molded-in spring perch for extra toughness. High chassis sides and a close-fitting buggy body limit the amount of dirt and debris that can get into the chassis tub. Front and rear bumpers offer defense against impacts.
Tough, multi-spoke wheels with vented dBoots® 2-HO™ tires give the 1/8 scale TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA RTR Speed Buggy effective traction for bashing on almost any terrain. Multiple battery types can be used with the hook-and-loop mounting, from 6-cell NiMH packs to a 2S block pack. This version comes with a Dynamite® 3300 mAh 8.4V 7-cell Speedpack® 2 Hump NiMH battery that provides 35% more run time compared to the 2400mAh pack of its predecessor.
Needed to Complete: (4) AA Batteries
What's in the Box?
(1) ARRMA® TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA 550 1/8 Scale 4WD Electric Speed Buggy RTR
(1) MEGA Waterproof* ESC
(1) MEGA 12T Brushed 550 Motor
(1) Spektrum™ 2.4GHz SLT3™ 3-Channel Transmitter
(1) Spektrum™ SLR300 Receiver
(1) Spektrum™ Waterproof* SPMS650 Digital Servo
(1) Dynamite® 3300mAh 8.4V 7-Cell Speedpack® 2 Hump NiMH Battery
(1) ADC-N7 7-Cell NiMH Wall Charger
(1) Product Manual
*For details on waterproof standards, refer to the instruction manual.
The ARRMA Typhon Mega offers great fun for the whole family! Whether you're an experienced driver or just getting into the hobby, the ARRMA Typhon will impress you! It offers great power paired with impressive handling. There are plenty of reasons why the ARRMA Typhon along with the other ARRMA 4x4 cars is among the most popular cars we sell. You just can't find another 4x4 platform this durable at this price point.
The ARRMA 4x4 vehicles offer exceptional performance at a reasonable cost. This performance paired with the level of part support ARRMA is known for having ensure that you simply can't go wrong with a model from the ARRMA 4x4 family. Parts availability is generally really good and we offer great customer service especially for these cars since we have so much experience with them.
In comparison to the other products in the ARRMA 4x4 family, the Typhon offers buggy tires, wing and bodystyle. Buggies are known for being the fastest cars around an off-road track which is why this backyard basher, although not a racecar, is also more than capable enough to be the vehicle you bring to your first ever RC track day!
It's not easy to make the decision as to which car you should buy but it's hard to regret the decision if you go with an ARRMA Typhon 4x4.
Making your move into 1/8 scale Speed Buggy action has never been easier. Fast, rugged and factory-built, the 2S LiPo-compatible ARRMA® TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA RTR comes ready out of the box to bash on any terrain. Precision aluminum, tough steel and composite materials come together for an easy-to-maintain, super-durable vehicle design whose high downforce wing and low center of gravity, with wide arms and narrow wheels and tires, improve handling over race tracks, trails, muddy courses, skate parks and more. This version features new equipment that further increases the original Speed Buggy’s already impressive performance and durability.
The TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA RTR is DESIGNED FAST, DESIGNED TOUGH — built for exciting bashing speeds and extreme, all-terrain durability. New features that enhance its unstoppable performance include a stronger chassis and retained hinge pin plates; steering with more clearance for stones; a castellated slipper pad and sliding gear mesh; and rubber-shielded bearings throughout.
The Speed Buggy now also includes the Spektrum™ SLT3™ transmitter and SLR300 receiver. The transmitter is ergonomically designed for long periods of fatigue-free bashing and has a foam wheel for precise fingertip control plus an improved hand grip and trigger feel. New bashers will be able to set throttle limits at 50% or 75% until they are ready to use the full speed potential. The SLT3™ is compatible with Tactic® SLT™ receivers to run other RTR vehicles you may own, and includes a third channel to control optional features such as lights and winches on models that have them.
It also has the ingenious modular design perfected by ARRMA® engineers for easy component access and maintenance. The power module, with improved dirt management, consists of a MEGA 550 motor for rock-jumping speed, plus motor plate, slipper clutch assembly and gear cover. The power module can be detached from the chassis as a complete unit by removing just one screw. With the power module removed, the slipper clutch can be reached easily for adjustments by taking out three screws that attach the gear cover. The gear ratio can be finely tuned as the power module now uses a sliding motor mesh design.
A two-piece molding screwed to the Speed Buggy’s chassis serves as its electronics module, containing a waterproof receiver box, servo mount and ESC tray. The SLR300 receiver mounts inside the receiver box for protection from dirt and moisture. The ultra-compact ESC is screwed to the top of the module, allowing quick access to the on/off switch, while the servo mounts to the side. All three components can be removed together, quickly and easily.
The differential module houses each differential unit in an innovative yoke design. Only eight screws need to be removed to release the front and rear yokes. The power module can then be detached, allowing you to pivot the gearbox cases for differential access. The TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA RTR comes brushless-ready with 37T 1.35mod diffs with silicone O-rings. The large gears can withstand huge torque, and internal metal gears have been chosen for reliability during extreme bashing.
Its full-time 4WD transmission uses strong front, rear, and centerline telescopic driveshafts that can’t be lost during heavy impacts, unlike dogbones. A simple, dependable, responsive steering assembly complements the ultra-reliable drive system and features a servo horn with built-in servo saver. The TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA RTR includes the waterproof Spektrum™ SPMS650 digital servo for 20% more torque than the previous version’s ADS-5 servo.
The self-bleeding, oil-filled shocks, now with silicone O-rings, use a tried and tested, coil-over design for simple maintenance and amazing handling. Their innovative rod-end has a molded-in spring perch for extra toughness. High chassis sides and a close-fitting buggy body limit the amount of dirt and debris that can get into the chassis tub. Front and rear bumpers offer defense against impacts.
Tough, multi-spoke wheels with vented dBoots® 2-HO™ tires give the 1/8 scale TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA RTR Speed Buggy effective traction for bashing on almost any terrain. Multiple battery types can be used with the hook-and-loop mounting, from 6-cell NiMH packs to a 2S block pack. This version comes with a Dynamite® 3300 mAh 8.4V 7-cell Speedpack® 2 Hump NiMH battery that provides 35% more run time compared to the 2400mAh pack of its predecessor.
Needed to Complete: (4) AA Batteries
What's in the Box?
(1) ARRMA® TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA 550 1/8 Scale 4WD Electric Speed Buggy RTR
(1) MEGA Waterproof* ESC
(1) MEGA 12T Brushed 550 Motor
(1) Spektrum™ 2.4GHz SLT3™ 3-Channel Transmitter
(1) Spektrum™ SLR300 Receiver
(1) Spektrum™ Waterproof* SPMS650 Digital Servo
(1) Dynamite® 3300mAh 8.4V 7-Cell Speedpack® 2 Hump NiMH Battery
(1) ADC-N7 7-Cell NiMH Wall Charger
(1) Product Manual
*For details on waterproof standards, refer to the instruction manual.
The ARRMA Typhon Mega offers great fun for the whole family! Whether you're an experienced driver or just getting into the hobby, the ARRMA Typhon will impress you! It offers great power paired with impressive handling. There are plenty of reasons why the ARRMA Typhon along with the other ARRMA 4x4 cars is among the most popular cars we sell. You just can't find another 4x4 platform this durable at this price point.
The ARRMA 4x4 vehicles offer exceptional performance at a reasonable cost. This performance paired with the level of part support ARRMA is known for having ensure that you simply can't go wrong with a model from the ARRMA 4x4 family. Parts availability is generally really good and we offer great customer service especially for these cars since we have so much experience with them.
In comparison to the other products in the ARRMA 4x4 family, the Typhon offers buggy tires, wing and bodystyle. Buggies are known for being the fastest cars around an off-road track which is why this backyard basher, although not a racecar, is also more than capable enough to be the vehicle you bring to your first ever RC track day!
It's not easy to make the decision as to which car you should buy but it's hard to regret the decision if you go with an ARRMA Typhon 4x4.
Making your move into 1/8 scale Speed Buggy action has never been easier. Fast, rugged and factory-built, the 2S LiPo-compatible ARRMA® TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA RTR comes ready out of the box to bash on any terrain. Precision aluminum, tough steel and composite materials come together for an easy-to-maintain, super-durable vehicle design whose high downforce wing and low center of gravity, with wide arms and narrow wheels and tires, improve handling over race tracks, trails, muddy courses, skate parks and more. This version features new equipment that further increases the original Speed Buggy’s already impressive performance and durability.
The TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA RTR is DESIGNED FAST, DESIGNED TOUGH — built for exciting bashing speeds and extreme, all-terrain durability. New features that enhance its unstoppable performance include a stronger chassis and retained hinge pin plates; steering with more clearance for stones; a castellated slipper pad and sliding gear mesh; and rubber-shielded bearings throughout.
The Speed Buggy now also includes the Spektrum™ SLT3™ transmitter and SLR300 receiver. The transmitter is ergonomically designed for long periods of fatigue-free bashing and has a foam wheel for precise fingertip control plus an improved hand grip and trigger feel. New bashers will be able to set throttle limits at 50% or 75% until they are ready to use the full speed potential. The SLT3™ is compatible with Tactic® SLT™ receivers to run other RTR vehicles you may own, and includes a third channel to control optional features such as lights and winches on models that have them.
It also has the ingenious modular design perfected by ARRMA® engineers for easy component access and maintenance. The power module, with improved dirt management, consists of a MEGA 550 motor for rock-jumping speed, plus motor plate, slipper clutch assembly and gear cover. The power module can be detached from the chassis as a complete unit by removing just one screw. With the power module removed, the slipper clutch can be reached easily for adjustments by taking out three screws that attach the gear cover. The gear ratio can be finely tuned as the power module now uses a sliding motor mesh design.
A two-piece molding screwed to the Speed Buggy’s chassis serves as its electronics module, containing a waterproof receiver box, servo mount and ESC tray. The SLR300 receiver mounts inside the receiver box for protection from dirt and moisture. The ultra-compact ESC is screwed to the top of the module, allowing quick access to the on/off switch, while the servo mounts to the side. All three components can be removed together, quickly and easily.
The differential module houses each differential unit in an innovative yoke design. Only eight screws need to be removed to release the front and rear yokes. The power module can then be detached, allowing you to pivot the gearbox cases for differential access. The TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA RTR comes brushless-ready with 37T 1.35mod diffs with silicone O-rings. The large gears can withstand huge torque, and internal metal gears have been chosen for reliability during extreme bashing.
Its full-time 4WD transmission uses strong front, rear, and centerline telescopic driveshafts that can’t be lost during heavy impacts, unlike dogbones. A simple, dependable, responsive steering assembly complements the ultra-reliable drive system and features a servo horn with built-in servo saver. The TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA RTR includes the waterproof Spektrum™ SPMS650 digital servo for 20% more torque than the previous version’s ADS-5 servo.
The self-bleeding, oil-filled shocks, now with silicone O-rings, use a tried and tested, coil-over design for simple maintenance and amazing handling. Their innovative rod-end has a molded-in spring perch for extra toughness. High chassis sides and a close-fitting buggy body limit the amount of dirt and debris that can get into the chassis tub. Front and rear bumpers offer defense against impacts.
Tough, multi-spoke wheels with vented dBoots® 2-HO™ tires give the 1/8 scale TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA RTR Speed Buggy effective traction for bashing on almost any terrain. Multiple battery types can be used with the hook-and-loop mounting, from 6-cell NiMH packs to a 2S block pack. This version comes with a Dynamite® 3300 mAh 8.4V 7-cell Speedpack® 2 Hump NiMH battery that provides 35% more run time compared to the 2400mAh pack of its predecessor.
Needed to Complete: (4) AA Batteries
What's in the Box?
(1) ARRMA® TYPHON™ 4X4 MEGA 550 1/8 Scale 4WD Electric Speed Buggy RTR
(1) MEGA Waterproof* ESC
(1) MEGA 12T Brushed 550 Motor
(1) Spektrum™ 2.4GHz SLT3™ 3-Channel Transmitter
(1) Spektrum™ SLR300 Receiver
(1) Spektrum™ Waterproof* SPMS650 Digital Servo
(1) Dynamite® 3300mAh 8.4V 7-Cell Speedpack® 2 Hump NiMH Battery
(1) ADC-N7 7-Cell NiMH Wall Charger
(1) Product Manual
*For details on waterproof standards, refer to the instruction manual.
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Hintaan nähden ihan peto! Ei jää suorituksessa paljon jälkeen 3S BLX versiosta. Harjalliset sähköt vaan ylikuumenee helposti ja auto sammuilee kovassa sorakaahailussa? Olettaisin että johtuu tästä, pienen breikin ja jälkeen lähtee taas ja kovaa! Hyvä pitää pikku breikkejä 1x ajon aikana jos lämmin keli. Todella laadukas ja hurja eikä haittaa että näyttää upealta!=)
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Tätä ei ajamalla rikki saa. Todella laadukas vaihtoehto aloittelijalle.
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Isä ja poika tyytyväisiä ensimmäiseen oikeaan rc-autoon.